CosmeticsCategory May 10, 2023May 10, 2023 kplfskplfs 0 Comments China Glasur Ray-Diant Sehen Sie den Hauch von Grün in China Glasur-Ray-Diant (8 $)? Liebe es.
Cosmetics Category New 2017 Focus: No-Buy-Low-Buy hybridNew 2017 Focus: No-Buy-Low-Buy hybrid So, it’s resolution time! I toyed with the concept of doing a summary of my year long Low-Buy for 2016 {...} Continue Reading....Continue Reading....
Cosmetics Category 5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately The Aldo Stessy K shoe ($80) 1. Lip print errrthang It started with a sweatshirt I got ages back at {...} Continue Reading....Continue Reading....
Cosmetics Category Makeup und Berufung Blog Montag Umfrage, Vol. 295Makeup und Berufung Blog Montag Umfrage, Vol. 295 Der Make-up- und Appell-Blog-Montagabfrage für den 28. Oktober 2013 Sie fragen sich vielleicht, “Also, was zum Teufel ist dieses Montagabfrage {...} Continue Reading....Continue Reading....